Investor relations related FAQs are available to answer common questions.
Stock Information
Financial Information
Group Strategy and Corporate Governance
Corporate Information
Stock Information
On what exchange are Square Enix Holdings stocks traded? What is the ticker code of Square Enix Holdings?
Square Enix Holdings common shares are traded on The Tokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market. The ticker code is 9684.
Where can I find the Square Enix Holdings stock price?
Please see the page Stock Price
What is the minimum number of stocks allowed per trade?
The minimum number of stocks is 100.
How many Square Enix Holdings shares are issued and outstanding?
Who should I contact regarding procedures for shares such as name transfer and address change?
Please see the page Stock Highlights.
When is the record date for dividend payments?
Dividends are paid annually on March 31 and September 30 to those registered as shareholders on those dates. In addition, to enable flexible execution of the return of profits to shareholders, we can appoint other dates as a record date and dividend payment.
Do you have a special benefit plan for shareholders?
We do not offer such plan.
Where can I find shareholder information?
What is the ownership ratio of shareholders from outside Japan?
When is the annual shareholders' meeting held?
The annual shareholders' meeting is typically held in June.
What is the number of own shares (treasury stock) held by Square Enix Holdings?
Please see Notes in Principal Shareholders section on the page Shareholder Information.
Financial Information
When is the fiscal year-end?
The fiscal year ends on March 31st.
When is the next financial results announcement?
Please see the IR Calendar for our financial announcement schedule.
How do I get the latest financial results information?
Please see the page Earnings Releases.
You can also find Financial Highlights, Consolidated Balance Sheets, Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows on the Financial Information page.
You can also find Financial Highlights, Consolidated Balance Sheets, Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows on the Financial Information page.
Where can I find information on forecasts of financial results?
Please see the page Earnings Releases for our forecasts of financial results.
Where can I find historical financial results?
Please see the page Earnings Releases for past financial results. You can also find Financial Highlights, Consolidated Balance Sheets, Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004 on the Financial Information page.
Where can I find financial ratios such as operating income margin?
Please see the page Financial Highlights for our financial ratios.
What is the rating of bonds issued by Square Enix Holdings?
Please see the page Credit Ratings.
How do I get a copy of the Annual Report and Yuka Shoken Hokokusho?
You can download our Annual Reports on Annual Reports and Yuka Shoken Hokokusho on Yuka Shoken Hokokusho (Japanese).
How do I get presentation materials from financial results briefing sessions?
You can download the presentation materials from financial results briefing sessions on Executive Presentations.
Which securities companies cover Square Enix Holdings and publish analyst reports?
Please see the page Analyst Coverage
Group Strategy and Corporate Governance
I'd like like to know about corporate strategy.
To Our Shareholders can help you to understand our Group strategy. .
What is Square Enix Holdings' policy on dividends?
Please see the page Profit Distribution and Dividends.
Where can I learn about potential risk factors?
Please see the page Risk Factors.
I'd like to know about policy and structure of corporate governance.
Please see the page Corporate Governance.
Who is the statutory audit firm for Square Enix Holdings?
Please see the Corporate Governance Report on the page Corporate Governance.
What are the Purpose and Values of Square Enix Holdings?
Please see the page for our Purpose and Values.
When was Square Enix established?
September 22, 1975
Where can I find company information?
Please see the page Corporate Profile.
I'd like to know about the businesses in which Square Enix Holdings operates.
Please see the page Businesses.
Where can I find information about Group companies?
Please see the page Group Companies.
Where can I find the history of Square Enix Holdings?
Please see the page History.