IR Policy
In order to provide investors and analysts meaningful information, it is the policy of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. (the Company) to disclose appropriate information in a timely fashion. Specifically, in observance of securities regulations, and in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Regulations decided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, it is the policy of the Company to disclose any matters having a material impact on investment decisions, and to actively disclose any other information deemed necessary to understand the operations of the Company. Moreover, to improve understanding of the Company's results and business outlook, investor relations will aim to actively provide information from management in furtherance of this goal.
Information Disclosure Policy
Information Disclosure
With respect to information covered by the Timely Disclosure Regulations, the Group will make disclosures via TDnet, the Timely Disclosure Network System provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, as well as materials provided to the media (press releases). Further, in the interest of providing information in a timely and equitable manner, any information released via TDnet or press releases will also be posted here on the Group website with all due haste. Information not covered by the Timely Disclosure Regulations will be disclosed in an appropriate manner, in the spirit of the principle of timely disclosure.
Quiet Period
From the day following the quarterly closing date through the release of the Company's quarterly financial results, the Company enters into a quiet period during which the Company does not comment on the outlook for financial results to investors or the media. During this period, the Company refrains from holding individual meetings or answering questions in regard to financial results and business forecasts. However, should an important event occur during this period, the Company will disclose it in a timely manner.